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Directorate of transformation and coordination of external assistance

Directorate of transformation and coordination of external assistance

The task of the subdivision: to organize, coordinate, lead and monitor the process of planning and coordinating the transformation of the military capabilities of the army, as well as to ensure the development, promotion and improvement of the policy of the Ministry of Defense regarding the attraction, implementation and monitoring of external assistance, in accordance with the normative acts and within the limits of the competences established by the Minister of Defence.

Areas of activity of the subdivision:

1) Long-term army development planning;

2) Transformation of military capabilities;

3) Coordination of external assistance.

Basic functions of the subdivision:

1) In the field of long-term army development planning:

a) coordination, drafting and promotion of policies (institutional strategic programs and visions) regarding the development and sustainable transformation of the army, as well as coordination of the process of elaboration/adjustment/update of planning documents aimed at the realization of these policies;

b) the elaboration of ex ante or impact analyses, policy documents, draft normative acts in the fields of activity, including those for ensuring the execution of normative acts and decrees of the President of the Republic of Moldova, after their publication in the official monitor

of the Republic of Moldova, in collaboration with relevant representatives of civil society and the business community;

c) ensuring the coherence and concordance of plans for the systemic transformation of forces and military capabilities with the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Evaluation Process in the Ministry of Defense;

d) drawing up and submitting proposals regarding the opportunity and necessity of adjusting/updating planning documents in the fields of systemic transformation of forces and military capabilities;

e) establishing the objectives, strategic directions and institutional priorities in order to develop and implement plans for the systemic transformation of military forces and capabilities and the allocation of the necessary resources;

f) elaboration and submission of initiatives/proposals for the initiation of state programs regarding the construction and development of military capabilities;

g) carrying out public and strategic communication activities for the promotion of policies for the systemic transformation of forces and military capabilities;

2) In the field of transformation of military capabilities:

a) providing assistance to the leadership of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the National Army in the areas of systemic transformation of forces and military capabilities;

b) supervision of external cooperation activities through the lens of plans for the systemic transformation of forces and military capabilities;

c) coordination and management of the process of systemic transformation of forces and military capabilities;

d) strengthening and revising partnerships in the field of systemic transformation of forces and military capabilities;

e) coordination of the process of monitoring the implementation of plans for the systemic transformation of forces and military capabilities, drawing up and presenting periodic progress reports;

f) promoting and working with government institutions, civil society and the academic environment in the fields of the systemic transformation of forces and military capabilities of the army;

g) ensuring communication and cooperation with international institutions and experts regarding the approach to the subjects related to the systemic transformation of the forces and military capabilities of the army;

3) In the field of coordination of external assistance:

a) the development, promotion and improvement of the normative, policy and planning framework regarding the coordination and efficient management of external assistance in the field of national defense and military security;

b) coordination of the process of elaboration, promotion and implementation of external assistance projects, specific to the field of national defense and military security;

c) participation in dialogue/negotiations with international organizations and the community of external partners/donors in order to diversify advisory, technical and financial cooperation to obtain new external assistance projects;

d) coordination of the process of negotiation and signing of contracts and technical agreements of external assistance offered for the development and transformation of the National Army.

The structures with which the subdivision collaborates in its activity:

— with other structural subdivisions within the central apparatus of the Ministry of Defense;

— with the structural subdivisions within the General Staff of the National Army;

— with the institutions and administrative authorities under the Ministry of Defense;

— with national and international experts in the appropriate sphere, including from government authorities, national institutions, international organizations (UN, EU, NATO, OSCE, etc.), partner states for development, civil society and the academic environment.

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