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National Army soldiers will participate in the EUFOR ALTHEA mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina and a training mission in Somalia

CHISINAU, July 3, 2024 — The government approved the participation of the Moldovan military in the EUFOR ALTHEA missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in a training mission in Somalia.

Defense Minister Anatolie Nosatîi specified that through the traditional participation of the National Army contingent in missions abroad, the Republic of Moldova increases its contribution to regional and international security, in its capacity as a neutral state.

“The Republic of Moldova, as a neutral state, participates in the promotion of peace and security objectives under the auspices of international organizations, including the UN or the EU, which is proof that we have professional soldiers. Thus, starting in August 2022, we deployed the first Moldovan soldiers in the mission of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). Our servicemen continue to contribute to the KFOR operation in Kosovo, where they demonstrate a high level of training, interoperability and professionalism, being appreciated by the mission commanders,” said the defense minister.

The EUFOR ALTHEA operation was established based on UN Security Council Resolution no. 1551/2004, and the EU Council Decision of November 25, 2004. Currently, contingents from 22 EU and non-EU countries participate in this mission, such as: Albania, Austria, Kingdom of Belgium, Bulgaria, Chile, Czech Republic, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey.

The training mission in Somalia (EUTM Somalia) is the second of its kind in which the Moldovan military will participate. Since 2018, the National Army has deployed officers to the European Union Military Training and Advisory Mission for the defense and security forces in Mali.

EUTM Somalia was established in January 2010, according to Decision 2010/96/CFSP of the Council of the European Union of February 15, 2010. Currently, six states are present in the mission.

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