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The last workshop in the „Regex 2024” exercise will start next week

CHIȘINĂU, July 5, 2024 — The fourth workshop within the regional general staff exercise “Regex 2024” is to be held from July 8-19.

As in previous workshops, about 30 representatives from the following countries will participate in the exercise: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Jordan, Kingdom of Bahrain, Morocco, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Algeria, Malta, African Union (Ghana and Benin) as well as staff officers from the National Army.

According to the superior of the exercise, Lieutenant-Colonel Vladimir Covalenco, the purpose of the activity is to train the military according to Western standards for planning and conducting exercises, managing crisis situations, strengthening and evaluating the level of interoperability of forces in a multinational environment.

The “Regex 24” exercise takes place in accordance with the Combat Training Plan of the National Army for the current year and the External Activities Plan of the Ministry of Defense and the National Army for 2024.

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