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Recruit Day in Cahul

Chisinau, May 20, 2013 — About 100 recruits from the South of the country attended the Military-Sports Competition “Pe meleagurile natale” (On the Native Land) and “Recruit Day”, held on May 19, in Slobozia Mare, Cahul district.

The event was carried out by Cahul Military Territorial Center, the District Council and Mayoralty of Slobozia Mare village, Cahul, and brought together young men that will be enlisted in July 2013, as well as parents, teachers and pupils.

The agenda included individual and team competitions at 100 meter distance running, target shooting, pull ups, rope pulling and grenade throw. 16 girls joined the competition too.

The winner of “Pe meleagurile natale” contest was the team from Slobozia Mare, Cahul. They were awarded diplomas and gifts.

During the event, National Army servicemembers showed some wrestling exercises, weapon handling. The guests also watched a concert and the photo exhibition “Bless the Soldier”, made by CW3 Vitalie Iovu.

According to Col. Eduard Ohladciuc, Head of Personnel Division of Main Staff, such activities are carried out in a variety of villages and towns of the country. They aim at promoting military service and improving the image of the National Army in the society, promoting responsible citizenry and preparing recruits for military service in the Armed Forces of Republic of Moldova.

According to the legislation in force, in April-July, National Army will enlist 1150 young men. The source said that, in April, 600 recruits will join the army. In July, 550 other young men will be enlisted.

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