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Number of High School Graduates Enlisted Grows

CHISINAU, August 07, 2012 — The conscription process has been entirely fulfilled in the first half of this year. In this period of time, 1780 young men were enlisted, including 1150 — in the National Army and 630 — in the Carabineer Troops.

Col. Eduard Ohladciuc, Chief of Personnel Division of National Army Main Staff, stated the process is complete due to the efforts of the local public administration and the military territorial centers.

The data show that 72.6% of the enlisted men come from rural areas and 27.4% — from cities. The number of graduates of college, industrial schools has grown. Thus, according to the level of education, 52.6% graduated the High School, industrial schools and colleges, and 44.8% — middle schools. 10.2% of recruits own the C category driving licence and 6.0% — the H category. 3.0% of the young soldiers are cooks.

As for the recruits’ health condition, Col. Ohladciuc said the situation is the same — 80.4% of the recruits are able for serving in the Special Forces units.

According to the nationality indicator, 86.2% of the total number of soldiers conscripted are Moldovans, 5.2% — Ukrainians, 3.4% — Russians and Gagauzians and 1.8% represent other ethnic groups.

Military conscription is held four times a year. The military service in the Armed Forces lasts 12 months.

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