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Minister of Defense Alexandru Pinzari participated in the ceremony of receiving humanitarian aid from Romania


CHISINAU, May 7, 2020 - The Minister of Defense Alexandru Pinzari participated today in the ceremony of transmitting the humanitarian aid offered by Romania to the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, which took place in the Telecentre sector of the capital.

The event was attended by Prime Minister Ion Chicu, Romanian Ambassador to Chisinau, Daniel Ionita, members of the cabinet of ministers from Chisinau and Bucharest, diplomats and representatives of the force structures from the two states.

Alexandru Pinzari, appreciated the support provided by the Romanian partners for fighting the new coronavirus through a message posted on his Facebook page. "I thank the Romanian authorities and the over 40 soldiers from the Ministry of National Defense and the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations of the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs, who provided the transport to the Republic of Moldova of protective equipment and sanitary products needed to fight COVID- 19! Respect and appreciation, Romanians! ", Wrote Minister Pinzari.

The convoy of 20 trucks of the Ministry of National Defense and the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with protective materials and equipment, arrived today in the Republic of Moldova through Leuseni customs.

The batch contains 500,000 FFP2 type protective masks, 25,000 overalls, 5,000 visors, 5,000 goggles, 200,000 gloves, 2,800 medicine boxes, 10 negative pressure isolates for stretcher transport and approximately 80,000 liters of sanitary alcohol, materials purchased by the Romanian Ministry of Health, in the context of the joint effort to combat infection with the new type of coronavirus.

It should be mentioned that last week, Romania seconded to the Republic of Moldova a team of doctors and nurses, including from the Ministry of National Defense, to provide support to Moldovan specialists in strategic medical institutions in efforts to prevent pandemics.

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