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Demining Missions in March

Chisinau, March 31, 2015 — National Army EOD engineers disposed 20 explosive objects in March.

According to LTC Serghei Chilivnic, EOD Division, the latest demining mission occurred on March 30, in Plop — Stiubei village, Causeni district. EOD engineers detected and neutralized two 82 mm bombs and one 76 mm artillery projectile dating back to Second World War.

Also, in village Dubovca, Hincesti district, four artillery projectiles, caliber45 mm, 76 mm and 100 mm, as well as one 82 mm bomb were found during agricultural works.

The source mentioned that other types of ammunition were found in Ungheni, Criuleni, Cantemir and Anenii Noi districts.

In 2015, the National Army EOD engineers were called in 16 times and destroyed 102 explosive objects throughout the country.

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