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Experts from the Institute for Inclusive Security from the USA Discuss Gender Equality in the Republic of Moldova

CHISINAU, December 2, 2015 — A group of experts from the Institute for Inclusive Security (IIS) from Washington DC, USA, pays a working visit to the Republic of Moldova within November 30-December 4, 2015. The activity is part of a series of actions dedicated to the process of inter-institutional self-assessment on gender dimension in the national defense and security sector, in the framework of the implementation on national level of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.

According to Chief of Defense Policy and Planning Directorate, Col. Alexandru Harea, the IIS experts will identify the institutions’ needs while developing the self-assessment survey on gender dimension in the national defense and security sector and will establish the following actions for cooperation in this area. The survey will be the base for the development of the National action plan regarding the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.

The source specified that the IIS representatives have a vast experience in offering expertise and resources in planning, implementing, and assessing the national action plans regarding women, peace, and security.

While in Chisinau, the experts will meet with representatives from the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Custom Service, involved in the inter-institutional self-assessment process, as well as with representatives of OSCE, IDC NATO, UN, and Gender-Centru.

At the Ministry of Defense, the IIS experts will meet with Minister of Defense, Anatol Salaru, and the members of the Working Group responsible for the inter-institutional self-assessment on gender dimension in the national defense sector.

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