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Military College, at the second meeting of this year

CHISINAU, June 17, 2022 - Today, at the Ministry of Defense, the meeting of the Military College was attended by the Secretary of the Supreme Security Council of the Republic of Moldova, Dorin Recean, the leadership of the Defense Institution, and the National Army.

The main topics discussed at the meeting were the achievements of the Ministry of Defense and the National Army in the first half of 2022, the problems encountered the lessons learned in this regard, the endowment with equipment, and the management of financial and defense resources.

Thus, the members of the Military College discussed the validation of the Defense Planning Directive for 2023, the projects started in the process of transformation and modernization of the National Army, as well as the management of the budget and the acquisitions made between January and May 2022, presented reports on the situation of technical and logistical assurance, the state of military infrastructure and the needs for its development and capitalization.

The Minister of Defense, Anatolie Nosatii, who chaired the meeting, mentioned the need to strengthen efforts to streamline the process of transforming the National Army into a modern structure according to democratic principles, interoperable with the armies of other states, as well as expanding Moldovan military participation in international peacekeeping missions. Particular emphasis was placed on the project to develop a corps of professional sergeants (NCOs) in the military.

In turn, the Secretary of the Supreme Security Council of the Republic of Moldova, Dorin Recean, reiterated the readiness of the country`s leadership to continue to support reforms in the National Army and to provide all necessary assistance for the implementation of projects and programs underway in the defense structure.

In the same context, Minister Nosatii urged the decision-makers of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff to focus on developing the capabilities of the National Army and improving the situation in terms of planning, training, and social protection of the military and employees of the National Army.

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