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National Army, balance sheet time

CHISINAU, August 11, 2022 — The National Army activities review meeting for the period May — July 2022 took place today, attended by the heads of directorates and sections within the institution, chief sergeants, and commanders of military units.

The subjects presented by the rapporteurs concerned the achievements in the process of intensifying the participation of the National Army in international missions and operations, the results of the economic-financial activity, cybersecurity, the professional development of the corps of conscripts and sergeants of the National Army, the analysis of the military discipline, but also current issues facing the National Army.

Minister of Defense, Anatolie Nosatii emphasized during the meeting the continuation of the modernization processes carried out in the National Army. At the same time, the official spoke about the initiatives and budget adjustments, which come to improve the working and living conditions of service members and conscripts, as well as the intensification of efforts to develop the capabilities of the National Army, the recovery of the situation in terms of equipment, the repair of the infrastructure of the units and social security of the military. For his part, the commander of the National Army, Brigadier General Eduard Ohladciuc, mentioned that he appreciates the contribution of the commanders and subordinates involved in the training of the military, specifying that they manage to fulfill the missions established in the combat training plan for this period. In the same context, General Ohladciuc asked for more attention to be paid to military discipline, the provision of equipment and techniques, training, as well as the process of planning and conducting national and international exercises, and training in the country, but also abroad.


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