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The budget for the Ministry of Defense will be increased by 14.5 million lei

CHISINAU, August 25, 2022 — The budget for the Ministry of Defense will be increased by 14.5 million lei, in compliance with the provisions of the draft law on the amendment of the State Budget Law for the year 2022 no. 205/2021, approved on Wednesday by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Thus, according to the document, the allocations for the Ministry of Defense from the state budget will constitute 1 billion 47 million lei.

In this sense, expenditures on the "National Defense" sector will increase by 1.4%, respectively from 884.1 million lei to 896.8 million lei.

The main increases concern personnel expenses (9.0 million lei), insurance with fuels and lubricants for the activities of the National Army (3.5 million lei), the preparation of the feasibility study for the initiation of the capital investment project (1.0 million lei), repairs currents of the rooms and procurement of furniture for the military within the military units (0.7 million lei).

It should be noted that until now, the budget for the Ministry of Defense was estimated at 1 billion 32 million lei, which constituted 0.38% of the Gross Domestic Product.

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