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The new leadership of the ICRC was presented to the Ministry of Defense

CHISINAU, August 25, 2022 — The Chief of the General Staff of the National Army, commander of the National Army, Brigadier General Eduard Ohladciuc, had a meeting with the head of the Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) for the Republic of Moldova, Doris el Doueihy.

During the dialogue, the officials discussed the current operational activities, and the contribution of the National Army to the efforts of the central authorities to support refugees in Ukraine, including through the Unified Crisis Management Center (CUGC). At the same time, the parties discussed the plans and priorities that the ICRC is going to implement in the Republic of Moldova and in the region.

General Ohladciuc reiterated the intention to develop collaborative relations with the organization, with an emphasis on the mode of interaction between the ICRC and the Great General Staff of the National Army, taking into account the new structural configuration of the ICRC.

At the same time, the officials agreed that increased attention will be given to training in the field of international humanitarian law and familiarizing the National Army personnel with the role and purpose of the ICRC in various crises and conflicts.

For her part, Doris el Doueihy stated that with the start of the war in Ukraine, the ICRC decided to open a Permanent Delegation in the Republic of Moldova, which would be subordinated to the ICRC office in Geneva, in order to provide humanitarian support in managing the large flow of refugees from Ukraine to our country.

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