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Over 700 young men and women took the military oath (video)

 CHISINAU, August 26, 2022 — More than 700 soldiers who joined the National Army in July took the military oath today in ceremonies held in Balti, Cahul, and at Bulboaca Training Area. Among them are the young men and women admitted to studies at the "Alexandru cel Bun" Military Academy (MAAF).

Present at the event held at the Training Battalion - Military Training Base of the National Army from Bulboaca the Minister of Defense Anatolie Nosatii congratulated the conscripts and military students on this occasion, reiterating the importance of the military oath in the life of every young person who has decided to pursue a military career or honor his the constitutional obligation to fulfill the service within the term.

At the same time, the Minister of Nosatii appreciated the successes of the conscripts and students during the initial training course and thanked the relatives present at the ceremony for their support and trust.

At the same time, the conscripts who were enlisted into the "Moldova" Motorized Infantry Brigade from Balti municipality take military oath in the presence of the commander of the National Army, Brigadier General Eduard Ohladciuc. The official addressed the soldiers with the exhortation to learn the military art as well as possible, and to be responsible and disciplined.

Also today, about 200 young people took the military oath into the "Dacia" Motorized Infantry Brigade from Cahul.

It should be noted that after the ceremony, soldiers and military students get a four-day leave, after which they will return to their units and classrooms, respectively.

The mandatory military service lasts 12 months.

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