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The National Council on Veterans Affairs met for the first time this year

CHISINAU, February 10, 2023 — The members of the National Council for the issues of war veterans met in the first session of this year.

The event, which took place at the headquarters of the defense institution, was chaired by the acting minister Anatolie Nosatîi.

During the meeting, the amendments to Government Decision no. 149/2021 Regarding the organization and operation of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection through the establishment of the Veterans Protection Policy Service, the current situation regarding the draft Law amending some normative acts, which are aimed at improving the level of social protection of war veterans.

The discussions also focused on the National Program of actions dedicated to the Year of Gratitude towards war veterans, participants in the combat actions for the defense of the integrity and independence of the Republic of Moldova and its implementation, as well as the implementation of Government Decision no. 182/2018 Regarding the identification cards of war veterans.

The participants also referred to the organizational issues related to the implementation of the Day of Commemoration of those who fell in the war in Afghanistan (February 15) and the Day of Remembrance and Gratitude (March 2) to topics related to the social protection of veterans, the problems they face, the release new type of identification.

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