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The Chief of the Defense Staff of the Republic of Italy - official visit to the Republic of Moldova (video)

CHISINAU, February 13, 2023 — Acting Minister of Defense Anatolie Nosatîi had a meeting with the Chief of the Defense Staff of the Republic of Italy, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone.

The military official is paying a visit to Chisinau, between February 13-14, at the invitation of the commander of the National Army, Brigadier General Eduard Ohladciuc.

During the dialogue, Minister Nosatîi informed the Italian official about the priorities of the institution, including the modernization of the defense capacity of the National Army and the strengthening of bilateral and multilateral partnerships, as well as with international organizations.

Other topics on the discussion agenda concerned the status of Moldovan-Italian collaboration relations in the military segment and the prospects for their intensification, the projects initiated in the context of the transformation of the National Army and the regional security situation.

Also, the Minister of Defense thanked the government of the Republic of Italy for the considerable support given to the Republic of Moldova, and in particular to the National Army, for the deployment of contingents of Moldovan peacekeepers in the KFOR mission in Kosovo and more recently, in the UNIFIL mission in Lebanon (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon). At the same time, Anatolie Nosatîi thanked for the training of the soldiers and civil servants of the National Army in educational institutions in Italy.

During the meeting, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone was decorated by the Minister Nosatîi with the “Consolidation of the Brotherhood of Arms” medal of the National Army, a distinction offered for the promotion of peace and democracy in the world, as well as for the development of collaborative and friendly relations with the National Army partners of the Republic of Moldova.

It should be noted that, in Chisinau, Admiral Dragone has planned meetings with the commander of the National Army, Brigadier General Eduard Ohladciuc and representatives of the subdivisions of the Grand Staff of the National Army of the Republic of Moldova.

Likewise, the Italian official will participate in the festive ceremony of the deployment of the first contingent of Moldovan soldiers in the UNIFIL mission in Lebanon, which will take place on Tuesday, February 14.

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