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The KFOR-18 contingent started the activity in the area of responsibility

CHIŞINĂU, February 23, 2023 — National Army soldiers, in the KFOR peacekeeping operation, began executing missions in the area of responsibility.

According to the commander of the Moldovan contingent, Major Andrei Cotelevschi, until now, the Moldovan peacekeepers have participated in fire phobia training, being trained by Italian colleagues, as well as in practical sessions for evacuating the wounded by helicopter.

Major Cotelevschi specified that recently, the Moldovan, Italian and Macedonian soldiers executed a forced march for a distance of 20 km, on the Rugova Valley, located in the west of the Kosovo region. The journey took place on a completely snow-covered route, starting from an altitude of 1,300 meters to 1,650 meters.

The 18th contingent of the National Army left for Kosovo this January.

It consists of 41 professional soldiers, including one staff officer, seven engineers and a platoon of 33 soldiers.

The Moldovan peacekeepers are deployed in the town of Pech and are part of the Regional Command West.

Photo source: PAO Kosovo Force

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