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The “Military of the Year 2023” met at the Ministry of Defense

CHISINAU, December 21, 2023 — A group of soldiers and civilian employees from the National Army garrisons, who stood out during the current year through good results in the field, participation in competitions, national and multinational exercises, but also contribution to promoting the image of the institution of defense in society, were mentioned in the “Military of the Year 2023” event.

The Minister of Defense Anatolie Nosatîi and the Commander of the National Army, Brigadier General Eduard Ohladciuc, congratulated the military and civil servants for their achievements in studies, training, pacification operations, military medicine, EOD missions, sports, historical research and wished them success in continuation.

“In this way, we thank you all for the professionalism and the work done during 2023, which was one with challenges, but also with important achievements in the field of strengthening defense capabilities. Our common efforts come to make the process of training and modernization of the National Army more efficient”, said Anatolie Nosatîi during the meeting.

In appreciation of the high results achieved in the activity for the year 2023, the group of soldiers and civilians of the National Army received the coin of the Minister of Defense and certificates of appreciation.

It should be noted that the “Military of the Year” activity is in its third edition.

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