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Distinctions at the end of the year for the soldiers of the National Army

CHISINAU, December 29, 2023 — The Minister of Defense, Anatolie Nosatîi, today decorated a group of soldiers and civilian employees from the Ministry of Defense, the Great General Staff and military units, during a festive meeting traditionally held at the end of the year.

On this occasion, the Minister of Defense, Anatolie Nosatîi reviewed the significant achievements in the field of defense since 2023 and thanked the staff for the professionalism they demonstrated in the execution of their duties.

“I greatly appreciate the results obtained this year and I urge you to continue with the same professionalism to achieve the goals set for the year 2024, which are oriented towards the modernization of the National Army, increasing the combat capacity and creating optimal conditions for carrying out the activities of the military personnel and civil.”

At the same time, the official sent sincere congratulations to all the staff on the occasion of the winter holidays.

At the end of the activity, the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Moldova, the “Doina Armatei” Ensemble as well as other artistic collectives presented a festive program that included music, carols and wishes by the students of the Military Academy.

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