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The commanders of the National Army units took part in the stocktaking meeting

CHISINAU, February 2, 2024 — The activities carried out by the National Army in 2023 were the subject of the review meeting of the commanders of military units from all garrisons. The meeting held today was attended by the commander of the National Army, Brigadier General Eduard Ohladciuc, Brigadier General Sergiu Cirimpei, commanders of military units and Territorial Military Centres.

During the event, the rapporteurs presented data on the conduct of training activities with the participation of the conscript and enlisted personnel of the National Army, which were organized in accordance with the training plan for 2023, logistical provision of units, technical equipment and others.

At the same time, issues related to the renovation of the infrastructure of units in different garrisons, training and living conditions of conscripts, medical and equipment insurance, as well as the level of involvement of commanders in maintaining military discipline were discussed.

An important point was also the discussion of priorities directed towards the development of the corps of soldiers and sergeants, as well as the problems faced by this category of soldiers, with a focus on social protection, pay and education.

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