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Official opening of “Exercise Regex 2024” (video)

CHISINAU, February 19, 2024 — About 50 military personnel from the Republic of Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Jordan, the Kingdom of Bahrain, Morocco, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Malta and the African Union are participating in the regional staff exercise “Regex 2024” from February 19 to March 1.

The opening of the exercise was attended by Brigadier General Eduard Ohladciuc, Commander of the National Army and Admiral Stuart B. Munsch, Commander of NATO Joint Force Command Naples (JFCN), who is in the Republic of Moldova for the occasion.

In his speech, General Ohladciuc mentioned the importance of organising the “Regex” exercise in the National Army, as these workshops aim to prepare the Moldovan military to operate in a multinational framework and to strengthen international cooperation including in crisis management.

For his part, Admiral Munsch thanked the military for their openness and for the joint training that will follow, which allows staff officers from different countries to be interoperable and have more possibilities to bring stability to the world.

According to the exercise’s superior, Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Covalenco, the staff exercise consists of several workshops that will take place according to an approved agenda, and participants will be trained by colleagues from NATO’s Joint Force Command in Naples.

Exercise “Regex 24” takes place in accordance with the Combat Readiness Plan of the National Army for the current year and the External Activities Plan of the Ministry of Defence and the National Army for 2024.

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