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“Alexandru cel Bun” Military Academy conducts the Training Program: National Security Services — Current National Security Issues

Chisinau, March 18, 2024 — The “Alexandru cel Bun” Military Academy (AMFA) has started a training program: National Security Services — Current Issues of National Security. The program is intended for representatives of the Republic of Moldova’s military structures, as well as personnel from state structures who are involved in the subject.

Attending the opening event of the course, Sergiu Plop, Secretary of State for Defense Resources Policy, stressed the importance and topicality of national security and defense studies, which will bring a substantial, professional contribution to the discussion of national, regional and international security issues.

According to AMFA pro-rector Igor Sofronescu, the study program includes visits, modules, debates, theoretical lessons with the participation of experts from the country and abroad on national/international security issues and the resilience of state institutions in the context of changes in the current security environment.

The sessions will take place from 18 March to 21 June at the Agency for Science and Military Memory.

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