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The International Day of UN Peacekeeping Troops was marked at the Ministry of Defence

CHISINAU, June 3, 2024 — The International Day of UN Peacekeeping Troops was marked today, in a ceremony held at the Ministry of Defense.

Present at the event, Defense Minister Anatolie Nosatîi appreciated the performance of Moldovan peacekeepers in international missions, underlining the important contribution of the Republic of Moldova to the peacekeeping efforts of the United Nations Organization.

“The UN Peacekeepers’ Day is an opportunity to bring an occasion to those who, over the years, have contributed to the pace, stability and security of the world. I am honored to note that the soldiers of the National Army also supported this noble desideratum and continue to do so even today. Participating in peacekeeping missions, Moldovan peacekeepers are the messengers of the Republic of Moldova and firmly demonstrate that our state is not only a consumer of security, but also a firm contributor to this chapter. In this way, we will continue our efforts to expand the participation of the National Army soldiers, individually and within the contingents, in international missions”, declared the Minister of Defense.

During the event, a group of soldiers, participants in peacekeeping operations under the auspices of the UN, received distinctions of the National Army as well as distinctions of the Ministry of Defense of the Italian Republic.

It should be noted that the National Army is present with professional soldiers in peacekeeping missions under the auspices of the UN in the Central African Republic, South Sudan, the Kosovo region, within the UN Department for Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) in New York, USA, and from August 2022 — within the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).

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