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The joint Moldovan-Romanian defense commission met in Chisinau

CHIŞINĂU, June 6, 2024 — The Ministry of Defense is hosting, from June 5-8 this year, the Joint Moldovan-Romanian Defense Commission.

On this occasion, the Minister of Defense, Anatolie Nosatîi, and the Secretary of State of the Ministry of National Defense in Romania, Simona Cojocaru, had a bilateral meeting today. During this, the officials addressed topics related to the progress made in the cooperation between the two states in the field of defense, the assistance provided by Romania in the objective of modernizing the National Army of the Republic of Moldova, both within the traditional bilateral partnership and through international organizations .

Minister Nosatîi emphasized the solid strategic partnership that the Republic of Moldova and Romania have, with an emphasis on defense institutions, and thanked the Romanian side for the unconditional assistance offered to the Ministry of Defense in several segments, including the improvement of the logistics and medical fields of the National Army, standardizing military education and training, increasing interoperability within joint activities and international peacekeeping missions.

At the same time, the Moldovan official expressed his gratitude for the effort put into the establishment of the European Union support platform for the Republic of Moldova, for the help given in the process of implementing democratic reforms in our country, economic and social development, strengthening energy security and the resilience of the institutions of state.

In the same way, Minister Nosatîi emphasized the importance of Romania’s political support in granting the status of a candidate for the European Union to our country. Another aspect addressed concerned the South-East European Defense Ministers’ Meeting Process (SEDM), in which the Republic of Moldova participates as a full member from 2023, with the effort and support of Romania, which took over the presidency of this regional format. Thus, together with external partners, our country contributes to strengthening regional trust and security, as well as promoting peace, stability and democratic values.

For her part, the State Secretary of the Ministry of National Defense from Romania, Simona Cojocaru, emphasized the political support and the absolute openness of the institution she represents in continuing to support the efforts of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Moldova on its path of transformation and modernization, with an emphasis on the process of accession to the European Union. According to the Romanian official, this process will continue to be an integrated one, through bilateral efforts and through international organizations.

The parties also discussed the 9th meeting of the Moldovan-Romanian Mixed Military Commission, which will ensure the continuity of previously initiated topics, as well as addressing new possibilities for bilateral cooperation. Within it, the experience and support, with expertise and assistance, in the field of European integration of our country will also be discussed.

It should be noted that the 9th round of the Moldovan-Romanian Mixed Military Commission brings together experts from the two states in several working panels, to discuss the assistance and expertise that the Ministry of National Defense of Romania can offer to the defense institution of of the Republic of Moldova in the process of transformation and modernization of the National Army according to international standards of good democratic governance.

The meeting will end with the signing of the bilateral cooperation plan between the defense institutions of the two states for the year 2025.

The meetings of the Mixed Commission are held annually, on a parity basis, in accordance with Article 5 of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of Romania on cooperation in the military field, signed in Chisinau on April 20, 2012.

The first meeting of the Moldovan-Romanian Joint Commission in the field of defense took place on September 21, 2015, in the Republic of Moldova.

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