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The National Council on Veterans Affairs, in a new meeting

CHISINAU, June 11, 2024 — The members of the National Council for the issues of war veterans met today in a working session.

During the event chaired by the Minister of Defense, Anatolie Nosatîi, the new members of the Council, approved by Government Decision no. 337 of May 8, 2024, discussed the questions of major importance for war veterans.

The agenda addressed the new legislative framework regarding the social protection of veterans, the strengthening of cooperation relations with the local public administration, and directions of activity in programs and projects with a civic purpose.

The highlights of the discussions addressed the new legislative framework regarding the social protection of veterans, the strengthening of cooperative relations with the local public administration, and directions of activity in programs and projects with a civic purpose.

In the opinion expressed by the Minister of Defense, Anatolie Nosatîi, the discussed discussions will contribute to strengthening the efforts of state institutions and veterans’ organizations, ensuring a constructive dialogue to solve the most pressing problems faced by war veterans.

The National Council for the Issues of War Veterans was created by Government Decision on January 15, 2020, with the primary responsibility to coordinate state policies, programs and plans for the social protection of war veterans.

From the establishment until now, among the most important decisions taken are achievements such as: increasing the monthly state allowances for veterans, increasing the allowances for widows, parents of the fallen and war invalids, approving the right to a medical insurance policy, increasing the number additional treatment sites for veterans and others.

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