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UN Conference on International Day of Peacekeeping Troops

CHISINAU, May 29, 2020 - The Women`s Association of the National Army, together with the Women`s Associations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Police, held a video conference today entitled

"Women`s participation in peace building: the perspective of military peacekeepers."The online event, attended by 85 people, was organized with the support of UN Women Moldova and the Ministry of Defense, on the occasion of the International Day of UN Peacekeeping Troops.

During the conference, women in the National Army, who participated in UN-sponsored peacekeeping operations, spoke about their experience as military observers in missions in the Central African Republic and South Sudan.

In his opening remarks online, Minister of Defense Alexandru Pinzari, mentioned that women in the National Army have an excellent performance in carrying out missions, having an essential role in maintaining peace.

"Time and statistics have shown that women can do well in missions, including as military observers in UN peacekeeping missions. The participation of our military in peacekeeping operations demonstrates that the Republic of Moldova, as a member state of the United Nations, promotes, together with the international community, peace, stability, security, peaceful resolution of conflicts, supporting states in difficulty", said Alexandru Pinzari.

The Minister of Defense thanked all the officers of the National Army, participants in UN operations, for the impeccably executed service and professionalism. "I express my gratitude to all the officers, women and men of the National Army of the Republic of Moldova, who have so far participated in UN missions in countries such as: Sudan, South Sudan, Ivory Coast, Central African Republic, Georgia, Liberia, "New York and Kosovo. The performance of our soldiers is excellent, and this proves that the National Army has well-trained soldiers for any kind of mission," added Minister Alexandru Pinzari.

It should be mentioned that since 2003, about 130 soldiers of the National Army have participated in peacekeeping missions with a UN mandate, including 10 women.

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