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More than 600 conscripts were enlisted into the National Army in January 2022

CHISINAU, January 21, 2022- In the National Army, the enlistment process into military service was carried out.

According to the head of the National Army`s Mobilization Resources and Manpower Management Centre, Colonel Octavian Druta, more than 600 recruits were drafted for term military service between 17 and 21 January this year.

Previously, the recruits passed the preliminary medical examination and the medical-military expertise, carried out by the specialized commissions of the territorial administrative-military bodies, to determine the suitability of the young people for compulsory military service.

The source specified that after being assigned to military units, they will undergo a four-week initial training course, after which they will take the oath of allegiance to the Fatherland.

It should be noted that all anti-COVID safeguards were observed during the enlistment process.

According to the Government Decision "On the results of conscription into military service in April-July 2021 and conscription into military service in October 2021-January 2022", the conscription load for the period in question amounted to 1,050 recruits for the performance of term military service in the National Army and 10 for short-term military service.

Compulsory military service in the Republic of Moldova is regulated by Law No. 1245 of 18-07-2002 on the preparation of citizens for the defense of the Motherland. Military service in the National Army lasts for 12 months, and for 3 months for short-term military service, for which graduates of higher education institutions are recruited.

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