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We mark 8 years of presence in the KFOR mission in Kosovo

In March 2014, the first National Army contingent was deployed in the international KFOR peacekeeping operation in Kosovo.

For 8 years, more than 640 Moldovan peacekeepers have been on this mission, fulfilling their responsibilities set by the command.

They gained experience, they were interoperable, they made friends ...

They lived beautiful moments with their comrades from other contingents, and today they can enjoy a high level of professionalism and a "baggage" of useful knowledge for all those who today form the great family of the National Army.

KFOR is the 16th National Army contingent to carry out missions in the area of responsibility, along with peacekeepers from Italy, Turkey, Poland, Austria, Croatia, Switzerland, Slovenia, and Northern Macedonia.


The KFOR peacekeeping operation is being led by the North Atlantic Alliance in accordance with UN Resolution 1244.

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