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More than 300 soldiers took the military oath (video)

CHISINAU, December 2, 2022 — More than 300 soldiers recently incorporated into the National Army took the military oath today in ceremonies held in the municipality of Chisinau and at the Bulboaca training center.

Present at the event held in the Training Battalion-Military Training Base, Defense Minister Anatolie Nosatii congratulated the soldiers, mentioning the importance of the oath of allegiance to the Fatherland in the life of every young person.

At the same time, the Minister Nosatii appreciated the performance of the soldiers during the ceremony, and thanked the relatives and parents for their support and trust.

It should be noted that the soldiers, who took the military oath today, were incorporated this October. For four weeks, they passed the initial training course, during which they mastered military regulations, as well as fire and front training.

The Military service in term lasts 12 months.

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