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KFOR-20 has started its peacekeeping mission in Kosovo

CHISINAU, 01 February 2024 — Moldovan peacekeepers from the 20th contingent of the National Army, recently deployed in the peacekeeping operation KFOR, have started their mandate in Kosovo.

During a handover ceremony at the multinational base “Camp Vilaggio Italia” in Pech, the soldiers took over the duties of the peacekeepers of the 19th Moldovan contingent.

In the presence of the Regional Command-West superior, Colonel Francesco Ferrara, as well as peacekeepers from Italy, Austria, Albania, North Macedonia, Major Vsevolod Serdiuc, KFOR-19 commander, handed over the flag and the responsibilities of the post to Major Petru Tutunaru, who will be the contingent commander for the next six months.

The 20th National Army contingent consists of 41 professional soldiers, including seven engineers and a platoon of 33 soldiers, as well as, for the first time, four female soldiers taking part in this peacekeeping mission.

The peacekeepers will carry out guarding and defence of strategically important infrastructure objects, missions to ensure the security of the “Camp Vilaggio Italia” base, including the Visoki Dečani Monastery, as well as engineer search and detection of explosive objects in the area of responsibility.

At the same time, we mention that Moldovan peacekeepers have been participating in the KFOR peacekeeping mission since 2014.

Photo: Regional Command West

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