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The Governments of the Republic of Moldova and the French Republic will sign a Defence Cooperation Agreement

CHISINAU, February 21, 2024 — The Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of the Republic of France will sign a Cooperation Agreement in the field of defence.

Members of the Cabinet of Ministers approved today at the Executive meeting to start negotiations on the draft of the document.

According to Defence Minister Anatolie Nosatîi, the draft Intergovernmental Agreement determines the necessary legal framework for cooperation between the two institutions and aims to intensify cooperation in areas not covered by the existing Interministerial Agreement, which are important for the modernization of the National Army.

“The initiative to conclude an intergovernmental agreement comes from the French side, as some provisions of the previously proposed draft Agreement between the Ministries of Defence of the two countries go beyond the competences of the relevant institutions and also concern other authorities that will be involved in its implementation.”

It should be noted that the action comes in the context of strengthening bilateral cooperation relations and updating the legal framework by bringing it into line with current needs and requirements.

At the moment, the Republic of Moldova and France cooperate in the field of defence on the basis of the agreement signed in Paris on 15 July 1998. Last year, Defence Minister Anatolie Nosatîi and his French counterpart Sébastien Lecornu agreed to strengthen the partnership by signing a bilateral document of intent.

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