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Strategic Defense Review (SDR)

''Frequently-Asked Questions'' for Strategic Defense Review category

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  • What is Strategic Defense Review (SDR)?


    SDR is a thorough review of the entire defense system meant to reveal strengths and weaknesses of the system. Based on final results, conceptual and organizational changes will be proposed to develop defense capabilities that would cover the security needs of state.

  • What is the goal of SDR?


    Strategic Defense Review makes a thorough analysis of the following issues:

    Real existent threats to state security

    National defense interests and goals

    Resources available for goal achievement

    Means to be used for the achievement of set goals.

  • When did SDR start?


    The intention to implement SDR was covered in the Republic of Moldova – NATO Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP) (Objective 2.1.2. of IPA Implementation National Program, Government Decision No. 1506 as of 29.12.2006).

    Republic of Moldova started the SDR Process at the end of 2007 due to the support of experts of Security Sector Development Assistance Team (SSDAT) from the United Kingdom.


  • What are the implementation mechanisms of SDR?


    The SDR State Commission was established through Republic of Moldova President Decree No. 1339-IV as of 18.10.2007. The commission is headed by the Minister of Defense. It is made up of decision-makers of the Main Security Council, Republic of Moldova Parliament, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Ministry of Interior Affairs (Carabineer Troops Department), Border Guard Service, Security Intelligence Service, Ministry of Finance, National Army Main Staff.

    Four work groups (WG) of experts in different areas were established within SC SDR:

    Strategic Context (WG 1);

    Defense System (WG 2);

    Defense Resources (WG 3);

    Management of Defense system (WG 4).

  • What are the stages of SDR process?


    According to the plan approved by the State Committee, SDR consists of 3 stages:

    stage I — assessment of current capabilities of the Armed Forces;

    stage II — assessment of strategic context and international environment and development of political recommendations;

    stage III — based on political recommendations and missions set for the Armed Forces, development of requirements on capabilities to be applied (force structure, organization of command and control system, infrastructure, costs, legislation), as well as middle- and long-term development plans. The results of the Strategic Defense Review will be included in the SDR Final Document.

  • What are the latest achievements?


    Due to the British experts’ assistance, the work groups developed the concept and methodological base on the national defense system review, mainly focusing on the following:

    Guidelines for SDR (WG 1)

    Methodology of Capabilities Evaluation (WG 2);

    Methodology of Evaluation of the Armed Forces’ Capabilities Costs (WG 3);

    Methodology of Evaluation of Defense Legislation (WG 4).

    Based on the above-mentioned methodologies, 2 intermediary reports were developed. One of them covered the current capabilities of the Republic of Moldova Armed Forces and the second — defense legislation and norms.

    The Strategic Defense Review process is currently coming to an end. Thus, during the final stage of the project, all the measures were taken to submit the final SDR document to the Upper Security Council.

    After the meeting of the Upper Security Council (USC) as of April 6, 2011, the final Strategic Defense Review (SDR) document was adopted. The Ministry of Defense shall present the middle-term (3-5 years) concept of implementation of the final SDR document recommendations in accordance with resources and provisions of policy documents (National Security Strategy — NSS and National Military Strategy — NMS).

  • What is the SDR follow-up?


    Long-Term Development Plan

    White Book

    Such strategic documents as: National Security Concept, National Security Strategy, National Military Strategy, National Threat Assessment, are reviewed (or developed).

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