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Military Inspectorate of the Ministry of Defense


The Military Inspectorate of the Ministry of Defense is an administrative authority subordinated to the Ministry of Defense, responsible for ensuring the implementation of state policy in the areas of competence, in the manner established and within the limits provided by the normative framework, by supervising and controlling the activity of organizational structures within the competence of the Ministry of Defense, investigating specific issues and implementing policies to prevent manifestations corruption and conflicts of interest..

Organizing the activity of the Military Inspectorate of the Ministry of Defense


The Military Inspectorate of the Ministry of Defense operates according to the provisions and indications of the Minister of Defense, the annual and monthly plans, approved by the Minister of Defense. The basic activity consists in inspecting the institutions of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff, the military units of the National Army and is carried out through controls: complex, planned, unexpected and repeated.

The Military Inspectorate performs its functions in the following areas:

— specific investigations regarding the activity of the organizational structures within the sphere of competence of the Ministry of Defense in its fields of responsibility;

— evaluating the performances of the organizational structures, as well as verifying the integrity and the way of using the endowment patrimony;

— preventing manifestations of corruption and investigating cases of fraud;

— implementation of measures to ensure institutional integrity;

— health surveillance;

— sanitary-veterinary and food safety supervision;

— the control of the prophylactic, curative and diagnostic activities in the Armed Forces and the organizational assurance of the medico-military expertise.

In order to identify, analyze, assess risks and vulnerabilities at all levels of management in the military structure, increase the transparency of the Ministry of Defense, the Military Inspectorate has installed the specialized anti-corruption line (022 23-28-06) which can appeal to all military and Army officials Nationals, their family members, as well as other categories of citizens, ensuring their confidentiality of personal data and information communicated.

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