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The National Army received a batch of assistance from the US

CHISINAU, August 4, 2023 — The National Army received a batch of assistance from the Government of the United States of America.

The goods, offered in the context of the modernization of the National Army and the increase of the defense capabilities of the Republic of Moldova, were presented today, during a ceremony held in Military Camp 142.

The Minister of Defense Anatolie Nosatîi declared, at the beginning of the event, that the agreement on the delivery of this support was concluded in 2019 and supports the efforts to reform and modernize the defense capabilities of our country, according to international standards.

“The continuous support offered by our American partners demonstrates the commitment to the process of increasing the military capabilities of the National Army. The batch received from the US Government complements the multilateral assistance provided over more than 30 years of Moldovan-American cooperation and will contribute to ensuring better training conditions for military personnel in exercises, training and peacekeeping missions” , said Anatolie Nosatîi.

For her part, the chargé d’affaires of the US Embassy in the Republic of Moldova, Laura Hruby, mentioned that this donation symbolizes the sustainable support of the United States for the people of the Republic of Moldova. “The new equipment allows Moldova to better organize, train and equip its forces. By modernizing the military, Moldova is better equipped to defend its neutrality and promote peace and stability in the region,” said Laura Hruby.

Present at the event, Congressman Doug Lamborn from the Armed Services Committee of the House of Representatives, said: “We are proud to be here, surrounded by conclusive evidence of the strong partnership between the US and the Republic of Moldova in the military field and of the 31 years of friendship between our countries. The US has consistently provided military assistance to your country. To date, the American people have provided support totaling $123 million in equipment donations and training to modernize the Armed Forces and increase its ability to defend the sovereignty of the state.”

It should be noted that the assistance, worth over 3 million US dollars, arrived in Chisinau this week, being transported by an aircraft from the US Air Force. The lot contains protective equipment and light infantry weapons. It is to be distributed in the units of the National Army.

Moldovan-American collaboration in the field of defense takes place on the basis of the Memorandum “Regarding the collaboration in the military field between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Moldova and the Department of Defense of the United States of America”, signed on December 4, 1995.

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