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The Military College will be established within the ,,Alexandru cel Bun” Military Academy

CHISINAU, May 29, 2024 — A Military College will be created within the “Alexandru cel Bun” Military Academy of the Armed Forces (AMFA). A decision to this effect was approved by the members of the Cabinet of Ministers.

According to the Secretary of State Sergiu Plop, the project was developed in order to ensure the completion of the National Army with qualified military technicians (“sergeants” category). Currently, the defense establishment has an insufficient number of such specialists, which affects the operational capabilities of the army.

The Military College will be created as a structural subdivision of AMFA, which will offer post-secondary military training programs in the infantry and artillery specialties.

Girls and boys who have graduated from secondary school will study at the Military College. During their studies, students will be provided with equipment, accommodation, food and a scholarship from the state budget.

At the same time, they will benefit from a guaranteed job in one of the military units of the National Army. Also, interested young people will be able to continue their undergraduate studies in the Military Academy, without an admissions competition.

The duration of studies will be four years. At the end, graduates will receive the primary military rank of sergeant corps “corporal”.

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